About Us

Welcome to FinEstimator (Financial Estimator)! Our calculators are powerful tools designed to help you find a stock's real price or manage your finances efficiently and accurately. Whether you're looking to find intrinsic stock value, plan for retirement, calculate your SIP return, or determine your total investment returns, Our calculators have you covered.

Dhiren Vaghadiya
Bhavin Vaghadiya

The Founders

My Story

It was the time of Covid-19. I just completed my graduation with B.sc. chemistry. There came the time of lockdown. That time can be worst for many people. However, for me, it proved to be a transformative period that led me down a new path in my life.

Lockdown gave me the opportunity to explore my interests and passions. Within 3 months of the lockdown, I came to the conclusion that I had no interest in chemistry. So During lockdown, I learned about some new & interesting topics like SEO, blogging, stock market and finance with youtube and found myself increasingly drawn to these areas.

So I made the decision to pursue a career in SEO and also become an active investor in the stock market. Today, I am working as an SEO executive in an IT company, while also pursuing my passion for blogging through my website, pickshortquotes.com.

But to be honest, my blog is not very successful. But it doesn't matter to me, I learned a lot from it. Recently I faced a problem as an investor, that inspired me to start the FinEstimator website. And I know that the experience of my first blog will ultimately help me a lot in this project. I am excited to see where this new path will take me, and I am grateful for the lessons I have learned along the way.

As an investor, I found it crucial to buy stocks at a fair price to maximize profits. It was becoming challenging for me to get accurate information on the intrinsic value of the stock, especially with the plethora of online tools available. According to my research, I found most of the good tools are premium, and the free ones often provide inaccurate results.

So I thought of solving this problem myself. That's how I got the idea to create FinEstimator. As a blogger, (Yes, I am a blogger and also have a website called pickshortquotes.) I utilized my research skills to dig the internet for effective formulas and methods to determine intrinsic value. 

I found many ways and sorted out some effective techniques out of them. Then I learned how to code these formulas with the help of my brother, a web developer. Together, we worked on designing and create a website with the best UI/UX possible.

In addition to intrinsic value calculators, we recognized the need for other financial tools to help people. As a result, we included other tools such as the SIP calculator, FD calculator, and Future value calculator on the website. 

We also plan to add more and more tools in the future and welcome suggestions from users. Because I know the importance of feedback and suggestion. I am reminded of a quote by Jim Trinka and Les Wallace, “Feedback is a gift. Ideas are the currency of our next success. Let people see you value both feedback and ideas.”

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