Nexus Select Trust Reit

Nexus Select Trust Reit

Value of ₹ 1 Lakh invested in Nexus Select Trust Reit

Find out how ₹1 Lakh invested in Nexus Select Trust Reit performed over time.

Nexus Select Trust Reit Historical Return

Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
2025 -3.56% -3.56% 0% 0% -1.78%
2024 -5.88% 8.98% 3.94% -4.97% 0.52%
2023 2.54% 16.04% 9.59% 30.39% 14.64%

Returns Comparison: Nexus Select Trust Reit Vs Nifty50 Vs Industry

Time Nexus Select Trust Reit Nifty50 Returns Industry Returns Sector Returns
1 Day 1.44% -0.12% 0.11% 0.67%
1 Week 0.71% 1.76% -0.70% 5.81%
1 Month -0.37% -2.61% -1.26% 0.98%
3 Months -5.07% -8.81% -2.40% -15.47%
6 Months -6.01% -9.82% -2.71% -21.23%
1 Year 4.88% 0.62% 0.82% -9.38%
3 Year 32.88% 35.12% 3.30% 112.91%
5 Years 32.88% 114.86% 10.59% 635.29%
10 Years 32.88% 158.28% 11.63% 537.29%

Due to the power of compounding, long-term investments have the potential to grow significantly over time. When you invest in a company's stock and hold it for several years, you can earn some returns on your investment, and then those returns start making more returns.

Over time, this process builds up and can result in a large amount of money. This is called compounding which creates a snowball effect, and it's a key reason why long-term investments are the real way to become rich.

Why Historical Performance Matters in Stock Valuation?

When evaluating a company's stock, looking at its historical performance is important in understanding its potential. Past performance shows how the company has handled different challenges like market changes, economic shifts, and competition. If a company has grown steadily over the years, it might mean it has strong leadership and a good business.

At FinEstimator, we provide a graphical visualization that shows how ₹1 Lakh invested in a company 10 years ago has grown or fallen over time. This easy-to-understand graph helps you see if the company has been growing or facing problems, so you can make better decisions about investing in it. Also, it can give an idea of why you should keep your money invested for a long time in the stock market.

But remember, just because a company did well in the past doesn’t mean it will do well in the future. Because stock markets are dynamic, and many factors can influence future stock prices. So, you must check this information with other stock analysis methods before deciding to invest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not exactly. While past performance can give you an idea of how well a company has done, it doesn’t guarantee the same results in the future. Many factors, like changes in the market, the economy, or the company itself, can affect future returns.

So, it’s always important to look at other things too, like future growth potential and current market conditions, before investing.

Long-term investing can be rewarding, but it comes with risks. Some of the main risks include:

Short-term Fluctuations: Stock prices can go up and down in the short term.

Company challenges: A company that did well in the past could face new competition or economic problems.

External events: Things like political changes or new technologies can affect stock prices. However, staying invested for the long term often helps you ride out these bumps and can lead to good returns over time.

Inflation means that prices rise over time, which reduces the buying power of your money. Even if your investment grows, inflation can make your returns worth less in terms of what you can actually buy with that money.

To protect against inflation, it’s important to invest in stocks or assets that grow faster than inflation to keep your money's value stable.

If your investment is losing value, don’t panic. First, check if the company still has good potential for growth. If the fundamentals look strong, it might be worth holding on to the investment.

But if the company is facing major problems, you might need to rethink. Also, diversifying your investments can help protect you from too much risk if one stock performs poorly.