Rec Ltd

Rec Ltd stock is currently priced at 571.3, carries an intrinsic value of . This gap between market price and intrinsic value raises caution for investors. Knowing the intrinsic value of the stock helps you make better investment decisions by showing the company's real worth and potentially avoiding overpriced assets.

Rec Ltd Intrinsic Value By

Rec Ltd Average Fair Price

Is Rec Ltd UnderValued or OverValued?

We used various calculation models to calculate the intrinsic value of Rec Ltd. The current price of the stock is 571.3, and our analysis found the intrinsic value to be 0.00. This means the stock is undervalued by 0.00% compared to its actual price.

Rec Ltd Fair Price By PB Ratio Model
0.00 INR

What is Rec Ltd Intrinsic Value Based on PB Ratio Model?

As of today (13-09-2024), Rec Ltd's intrinsic value calculated by the PB Ratio Model is ₹0.00. This makes the stock undervalued by 0.00% from its current price of ₹571.30.

The PB Ratio model calculates the intrinsic value as per the formula given below.

Intrinsic Value = Average PB Ratio x Book Value Per Share
Rec Ltd Fair Price By PE Ratio Model
0.00 INR

What is Rec Ltd Intrinsic Value Based on PE Ratio Model?

As of today (13-09-2024), Rec Ltd's intrinsic value calculated by the PE Ratio Model is ₹0.00. This makes the stock undervalued by 0.00% from its current price of ₹571.30.

The PE Ratio model calculates the intrinsic value as per the formula given below.

Intrinsic Value = Average PE Ratio x Earning Per Share
Rec Ltd Fair Price By PS Ratio Model
0.00 INR

What is Rec Ltd Intrinsic Value Based on PS Ratio Model?

As of today (13-09-2024), Rec Ltd's intrinsic value calculated by the PS Ratio Model is ₹0.00. This makes the stock undervalued by 0.00% from its current price of ₹571.30.

The PS Ratio model calculates the intrinsic value as per the formula given below.

Intrinsic Value = (Annual Sales x Price To Sales Ratio) / Outstanding Shares
Rec Ltd Fair Price By EV To EBITDA Model
0.00 INR

What is Rec Ltd Intrinsic Value Based on EV To EBITDA Model?

As of today (13-09-2024), Rec Ltd's intrinsic value calculated by the EV To EBITDA Model is ₹0.00. This makes the stock undervalued by 0.00% from its current price of ₹571.30.

The EV To EBITDA model calculates the intrinsic value as per the formula given below.

Intrinsic Value = Equity Value / Outstanding Shares