Tine Agro Ltd
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Company Name | Current Price | PE Ratio | Revenue Growth | Profit Growth |
₹2,968 |
84.15 |
0.13% |
31.05% |
₹191 |
12.28 |
0.45% |
-12.49% |
₹95 |
67.87 |
-99.70% |
-87.70% |
₹736 |
24.01 |
5.87% |
-15.54% |
₹97 |
640.27 |
77.63% |
458.71% |
₹1,004 |
14.41 |
66.09% |
97.07% |
₹42 |
45.63 |
113.66% |
141.14% |
₹356 |
18.69 |
20.84% |
-32.31% |
₹164 |
-547.25 |
-100.00% |
62.43% |